The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Jonathan F. Harris | Read Psalm 25:1-10
For many the season of Lent provides a framework to work out a spiritual goal, such as establishing a more regular prayer life, giving oneself in service, or choosing to fast.
In Psalm 25, the goal is to present oneself before God for pardon. “Do not remember the sins of...
This Lenten season choose a pathway that can keep you focused and lead you into deeper union with God.
The season of Lent is now upon us, a time of inward examination that begins on Ash Wednesday. We search ourselves and ask God to search us so that we can follow God more completely. This examination, however, can become a cause for despair if we do not approach it with God’s everlasting mercy and faithfulness in mind. Although the Flood was a result of judgment, God also saved the faithful and established a covenant with them. The psalmist seeks to learn God’s ways, all the while realizing that he has fallen short and must rely on God’s grace. For Christians, baptism functions as a symbol of salvation and a reminder of God’s covenant faithfulness. It is the means by which we accept and receive God’s love and mercy.
Read Genesis 9:8-17. When have you, after a season of loss, experienced new life? What was the sign of that new life?
Read Psalm 25:1-10. How are you experiencing God’s steadfast love and faithfulness in your life? How do you offer thanks?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:20–6:10. What negative consequences have you experienced as a result of your servanthood?
Read Mark 1:9-15. Recall a “wilderness” experience in your own life. What helped you to move through that experience? What were the spiritual gifts of that experience?
Respond by posting a prayer.