As we repeat our reading of Psalm 23, another set of words comes to my heart: “God makes me lie down in green pastures; God leads me beside still waters.” Let us read this backwards. The verses from yesterday said we “shall not want” because the Lord is our shepherd....

God, make me lie down in green pastures; lead me beside still waters. (Repeat three times.) Amen.

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Lectionary Week
April 15–21, 2024
Scripture Overview

This week’s readings open with a confrontation in Acts between Peter and John and some of the religious leaders. Peter speaks in harsh terms to the leaders, stating that they had killed Jesus; yet by the power of Jesus’ name, a man who could not walk has been healed. By that same name, spiritual healing happens as well. The other three passages employ the metaphor of the Good Shepherd. “The Lord is my shepherd,” the psalmist declares, and the shepherd cares for all our needs. In John’s Gospel, Jesus declares that he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. First John repeats this imagery. Jesus proved his love when he laid down his life for us. If we truly love one another, we also ought to sacrifice in tangible ways.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Acts 4:5-12. When have you gotten into difficulty for exercising your Christian faith and values? If never, why not?
Read Psalm 23. What is your first memory of hearing or reading this psalm? Has it had a significant role in your life of faith? If so, what has its role been?
Read 1 John 3:16-24. How do your actions reflect your love for God and for your fellow children of God?
Read John 10:11-18. What “wolves” have you faced in your life? How have you experienced the presence of the Good Shepherd with you as you faced these threats?

Respond by posting a prayer.