March in The Upper Room Chapel

March 1, 2020 by Beth A. Richardson

Sometimes we do not call out in blind faith like Bartimaeus [in Mark 4:35-39]; we scream (at least inwardly) in panic. When threatening, out-of-control events roar around us and the world rocks under our feet, we cry out in fear and outrage: “God, my life is going to pieces! Don't you care? Are you sleeping?” . . . When fear begins to overwhelm us, we can think of the living Christ, whose heart and voice are God's heart and voice, speaking to us inwardly: “I am here. I will not leave you. Hold onto me. You are safe with me. Breathe slowly. Breathe deeply. My healing breath of life is flowing into you. Take my peace into your body. Take my peace into your heart.”

-Flora Slosson Wuellner

Miracle: When Christ Touches Our Deepest Need 


What a difficult time we are in! I find myself easily overwhelmed by the chaos surrounding us. I am thirsting for comfort, for assurance, for peace – and instead of going to God in prayer, I turn on the news, check the headlines, lose myself in worry. This season of Lent is, indeed, a time when we are traveling in the wilderness.

In this context, we’ll gather together Wednesday, March 18 at 10:45 a.m. for a time of prayer in The Upper Room Chapel. I invite you to join us in person or in spirit. I’ll be hosting the service and leading us in a time of intercession on behalf of the world. I hope you will meet me there.

This week we continue to pray for those putting their lives back together after the tornado. We pray for all of those affected by the coronavirus. Next week in the Ecumenical prayer cycle we will pray for the countries and peoples of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. 



Join us for these upcoming services:

March 25, Kara Lassen Oliver, Upper Room Center

Holy Week

April 8, Anointing at Bethany Ceremony

April 9, Maundy Thursday Eucharist

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