Prayer Practices for Disciples

June 5, 2023 by Rev. Dr. Amy E. Steele

Our Gift to You! Celebrating the Chapel’s 70th Anniversary

Since day one, the mission of The Upper Room has been to invite people to create daily life with God. Prayer is one of the best ways to place yourself in God’s presence and deepen your spiritual life, so we offer this free downloadable resource Prayer Practices for Disciples as a gift to you in honor of The Upper Room Chapel’s 70th Anniversary.

The prayer practices in this complimentary resource are tested! Some of them have ancient roots, and some are more contemporary practices. But each practice offers a new way to position yourself for conversation with the holy. I encourage you to enter these pages slowly. Take your time. Practice breathing deeply and sitting in silence as you experience these varying forms of prayer.

I do not know who I would be or where I would be without prayer. Prayer is such an integral part of my life, reminding me always that I am in an unbreakable relationship with the Divine, the Great I AM. Prayer also reminds me that I am in an inescapable relationship with the world, a global society of neighbors who are, perhaps unknowingly, dependent upon the mystery of God’s love, grace, mercy, and justice. What a network of prayer!

As a reminder, we offer weekly opportunities to connect with us through The Upper Room Facebook page, YouTube channel, and Instagram. Our social media accounts are places where we invite you to experience stillness, reflection, and transformation. We are committed to bringing you quality media with every post. We invite you to interact with us there and simply to listen or view our content whenever you are able. Thank you again for being a vital part of our ministry. As the psalmist proclaims, “God is our refuge and strength!” May these words accompany your journey. May you experience eternal love in prayer, eternal hope in meditation.


Rev. Amy E. Steele, PhD

Dean of the Chapel and Executive Director of Program

P.S. If you would like to make a gift in support of The Upper Room Chapel and our prayer and worship ministries, please give here.

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