The Upper Room has a long history of offering prayer support for The United Methodist Church General Conference. Volunteers are a key aspect of this ministry, and we’d like to invite you to join us in Charlotte, NC. General Conference attracts an array of volunteers committed to practices of prayer before, during, and after this two-week gathering dedicated to United Methodist governance. The Upper Room is seeking volunteers specifically devoted to the conference center Prayer Room in Charlotte, NC, April 23–May 3, 2024. Volunteers are welcome to serve as their schedules allow — helping for a few days of the event or for the duration.
Our application is now live and can be found here. If you feel called to serve in the Prayer Room at General Conference, please complete this application by March 24, 2024.
We will need two types of volunteers:
1) Prayer Room Hospitality Volunteers who will assist with setup and break down, restocking supplies when needed, welcoming delegates, alternates, and guests, and scheduling sessions for spiritual directors.
2) Prayer Volunteers who will assist with praying for individuals or small groups, fulfilling requests to walk through the convention center in prayer, and praying silently as the Holy Spirit leads.
If you believe in the power of prayer and feel called to serve, we invite you to complete the application. You will hear back from us to confirm your participation by Thursday, March 28. If you have any questions, please email the Prayer Room Staff at [email protected] or [email protected].
Read more about The Upper Room's prayer ministry at General Conference here.