My Fourth Day Story

December 10, 2024 by Siyileni Malinki (Zimbabwe)

My name is Siyileni Malinki. I attended Women’s Walk #26 in the Chipambano Community in Zimbabwe, on September 26, 2019. 

The Walk to Emmaus has impacted my life in many ways. Among other things, it has totally changed my perspective on giving my time, resources, and skills for the advancement of others. Indeed, while there was a time when I literally gave grudgingly, I now do so freely and with much joy as I realize how much God has sacrificed for me through Jesus Christ. Giving has become liberating and an incredible source of joy. 

Despite these changes, I confess that some days, I feel like giving up on some causes, but in most instances, somehow, I am reminded that God invites me to be Jesus Christ's hands and feet. This thought usually results in me picking myself up and trying to be my best self for the sake of Christ. 

As a result of my Walk, I have reorganized my priorities and recommitted my life to God and to serving those around me. This has led me to spend more time in spiritual practices. 

As part of my growth in grace through study, I have just completed a course of study and am about to finalize my bachelor's degree in Theology. This, my friends, was all the result of my Walk to Emmaus experience. In my eagerness to learn, I have also done some personal reading — Faith Sharing by H. Eddie and George E. Morris and The God We Worship by Nicholas Wolterstorff. 

Regarding my growth through Christian Action, I initiated a ministry to pregnant women living in dire poverty. As I minister to them through the Word and the Sacrament, I aim to bring them joy in childbearing. 

Going forward, I hope to see more pilgrims experience the Walk to Emmaus and, in so doing, contribute to the development of a strong Christian community through which God can channel his grace to his people. 

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