6 Ways to Prepare for God’s Great Gift

November 27, 2018 by Karen M. Leet

Christmas is about gifts and giving, love and caring, joy and celebration. But Christmas is, most of all, about Jesus, God’s great gift to us. How can we get ready to receive that gift? Here are a few ideas:

  • Get quiet. Yes, it’s a busy time, and we have lots to do. That’s why it’s so important to spend some time each day being quiet and listening for God. Set aside time to just be aware of God’s presence. Start with a couple of minutes and add on as this time becomes a habit for you.
  • Soak up scripture. Read your Bible daily. Choose verses to learn that help you focus on God throughout your day.
  • Love. Is John 3:16 a favorite verse for you? It is for many people because this verse tells us why God sent the Son. Jesus came because of love. God gave us the greatest gift of all because God loves us that much! And God wants us to share that love with those around us.
  • Pray. Ask God to help you to get your heart ready for Christmas. Ask God to help you live each day the way Jesus taught us to live.
  • Show appreciation. Start by thanking God each day for the gift of Jesus. Then thank God for all of the people you love and care about. Let your thankful attitude pour out in the way you treat your family and friends, your classmates and teachers, your neighbors, and those in need.
  • Give freely. There’s nothing we need to do or can do to “earn” God’s love or the gift of Jesus. God gave the gift of Jesus freely. So look for ways you can give to others. Give kindness and love. Give help and encouragement. Give in small ways and large ways. Give as a way to honor God who never stops loving and giving to us!

Excerpted from Pockets magazine, December 2006

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