To Our United Methodist Friends

February 28, 2019 by Beth A. Richardson

To Our United Methodist Friends, 

After the close of an acrimonious meeting of The United Methodist General Conference in St. Louis, we hear the sounds of broken hearts, and we join in the profound grief of a church, a people, the body of Christ fractured.

We give thanks that we follow a God who has experienced such pain, a God who knows about broken hearts and how to heal them. As leaders of The Upper Room, we continue to create space for the healing, transformation, and love of the whole wide world and everyone in it. Thank you for joining us on this journey of healing and transformation. The road is not easy. Thank God we do not go it alone.

No matter who you are or how you were created, you are beloved. We give thanks for all God’s children, and to those who are feeling particularly broken, abused, and wounded this day: We see you. We’re with you. We love you.

In the loving power of God, we continue the journey in Christ together.

With love, gratitude, and solidarity,

Beth A. Richardsonm Director of Prayer and Upper Room Worship Life

Written by Beth Richardson for Service of Holy Communion in The Upper Room Chapel on February 27, 2019.

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