Rising Waters

March 19, 2019 by Claire K. McKeever-Burgett (Tennessee)

Holy God of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air—

In the face of devastating realities of floodwaters and cyclones rising, destroying, and killing our loved ones, we are confounded and confused.

The water that baptizes and renews can also devastate and kill. The air that gives life also can also take it away. 

What are we to do in the face of such paradox? Who are we to be in the reality of all that we cannot control?

Help us to be your light and love bearers in the world, to be the hands and feet of Christ in the places that need us most. In the face of daunting questions and unresolved worry, help us to trust in You.

Bring continued comfort and healing to all your children, especially to those effected by the floods and cyclones in Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, and the Midwest region of the United States. 

Help us to remain aware that pain is everywhere and therefore Your healing love is a necessary balm for wounds too deep for words.

May our prayers rise up like incense and our cries transform into song.

May we continually hear your words of wisdom and heed their truth:

I am your light and your salvation. Of what shall you fear?

I shelter you in my Heart during troubling and traumatic times.

I am with you always, even unto the ends of the earth.*   



*Paraphrase from Psalm 27.

Claire McKeever-Burgett serves as the Associate Director of The Academy or Spiritual Formation, a program ministry of The Upper Room.

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