In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Carmen Pérez-Ríos reached out to The Upper Room with a simple, yet meaningful request: 3,000 copies of the daily devotional for people in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Carmen, a pastor in Puerto Rico, serves on the board of directors of Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church. Conditions in Puerto Rico prevented her from attending an October meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. She sent word that the Methodist Church of San Juan was working to provide groceries and supplies for people in need. Sacks were to be filled with bottled water, food, first-aid kits, and, if the money was raised, copies of El Aposento Alto, the Spanish edition of The Upper Room daily devotional.
Staff and board members of The Upper Room and Discipleship Ministries rallied around the cause. One board member offered a matching gift, and within 24 hours 47 people raised $3,727 to print and deliver 3,000 copies of El Aposento Alto to Puerto Rico.
Amid the tragedy, the daily devotional will provide a source of connection and hope to the people of Puerto Rico.
If you would like to donate to support the international editions of The Upper Room daily devotional, visit
Amy Skerratt is the donor relations manager of The Upper Room.