November in The Upper Room Chapel

November 6, 2019 by Beth A. Richardson

TO LIVE BY God's call means making ourselves available to the power of the Spirit within us. When we become available to the Spirit, our personal stories become part of God's great story of redeeming love, despite our weaknesses. —Kara Lassen Oliver

Gratitude—in good circumstances or bad—offers great transformational power. To say thank you, to practice gratitude for life even with its pain, discomfort, and stress, is to recognize life for what it is—a gift from God. And this recognition, this awareness, is one of the most irresistible forces in the world, because it affirms life, it affirms the present, it puts you in right relationship with the world.

-Thomas C. Ettinger & Helen R. Neinast

God Goes to College: Living Faith on Campus



Wednesday, November 27 at 10:45am, I will lead us in a morning prayer service. Know that as you gather with friends and family, you are held in prayer, in the heart of God.    



Next week in the Ecumenical prayer cycle we pray for the countries and peoples of Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore.  

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