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Welcome to The Upper Room Prayer Wall

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” —Galatians 6:2 (NRSV)

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About the Prayer Wall

The Upper Room Prayer Wall is a place for people to connect — with each other and with God. Each day, hundreds of prayer wall visitors share their needs, praises, and concerns, and they respond to prayer requests posted by others.

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MirandasT from Home requests prayer...

Please heal me. I hurt. Thank You for Steve.

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Janelily from Texas requests prayer...

Please pray for me as I have a difficult road ahead with a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. Pray for healing and hope and the team of doctors to help me. God will be by my side always.

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PJFT from Australia requests prayer...

I am desperate and need gods healing in our family and marriage. I know that it will only be god who can restore broken hearts and lives and that is what I/we need now I am hopeless and helpless

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JasonDDDD requests prayer...

Please Pray for the Lord to Heal and Protect my Wife, Children, Granddaughter and parents. Please Pray for the Lord to take away my anxiety and help me start getting enough sleep at night. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing our Prayers. God Bless You A...Read Morell!

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jimanderson from Sc requests prayer...

If Gods will heal me from leukemia. I'm taking chemo now for the 9th day. Fearful and lonely.

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algoryl from Nc requests prayer...

I pray for my son who is starting middle school tomorrow and for my own school year as I begin my 21st year. God Bless my ability to impact each and every one of the students you have placed in my class. I also pray for my colleagues and all of the s...Read Moretudents and parents starting a new school year as well.

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algoryl from Nc requests prayer...

Please pray for my dad’s health. He has been hospitalized three separate times this summer. The docs haven’t figured everything out. He has a very rare form of leukemia, but when meds were started, all of his energy was depleted, so they have taken h...Read Moreim off of it. He is in PA while I am in NC. Please also pray for my mom who is doing her very best to make decisions and is taking care of him.

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Terri from Florida requests prayer...

Dear Lord, thank You for this day, for prayers answered and for always being with me! Please forgive my sins and mistakes as I also try to forgive. Please guide me today so I do not fail and please let others see You in my attitude, gratitude and beh...Read Moreavior. Please bless all those that I love and care for, everyone at the Upper Room, me and all who need Your grace, love and peace today! Every good thing is from You and I am so thankful and blessed. Please walk with me today, strengthen and heal Mike and may I be aware of Your presence in every moment of my day! In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Terri from Florida requests prayer...

Heavenly Father, I ask for healing, strength and comfort for Mike! Please bless him with restoration, total healing and hope for the path ahead! Please also provide healing and blessings for Leslie, Kipp, Sharon, Rhonda, Deborah, BJ, Lloyd, Heather, ...Read MoreGuilhem, Willie, Laura, James, Eva, Mary, Grai, Monica, Michael, Bev, Hank, June, Linda, Jade, Tippie, Little James, Catherine, Earlene, Ildiko and her son, Demetria, George, Gail, Phillip, Brenda, Gillian, Gerry, the Beer family, Pam, Jerry, Lamar, Sandra, Mr. Bib and his wife, Em, me and all who are sick, in pain, alone, afraid and grieving. Thank You Lord, that all things are possible with You! I thank You for Your grace and undeserved blessings each day! Please help me to be a blessing to others! In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I ask these things. Amen

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God’sgotthis from Georgia requests prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father I pray for Avery, Chris and Christopher as they go about their day today! I pray a great beginning as Christopher and his classmates began the 4th grade last week and Christopher celebrated his 9th birthday this past Sunday. May...Read More God’s presence be felt in his home and in the heart of his parents and may they be blessed with Christian friendships! I also pray that Christopher knows you and he keeps the kindness in his heart that he was born with! I ask for blessings for health and wellbeing, peace and comfort, protection from evil and those contemplating evil for this precious family, all students attending school, the parents and loved ones of each child, I also include the teachers, faculty and staff at Christopher’s school and all schools! May God hear every prayer and concern on this prayer wall and give us peaceful hearts! In Jesus name I pray! Amen

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