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Welcome to The Upper Room Prayer Wall

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” —Galatians 6:2 (NRSV)

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About the Prayer Wall

The Upper Room Prayer Wall is a place for people to connect — with each other and with God. Each day, hundreds of prayer wall visitors share their needs, praises, and concerns, and they respond to prayer requests posted by others.

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MirandasT from Home requests prayer...

Jesus, rescue our country from the corruption. I am frightened for America. Please help my digestion and weight loss. Thank You for my friends,

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Sindy from New jersey requests prayer...

🙏❤️🌺🌸🌼God bless you all family in Jesus Christ. Please help me pray that I stay focused on the word, scripture and my faith. I feel distracted and I don’t want to derail from my journey in my faith. I love you all in the name of Jesus Christ. Your s...Read Moreister, Sindy🙏❤️🌸🌺🌼

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Sindy from New jersey requests prayer...

🙏❤️🌸🌼God bless you all family in Jesus Christ. Please help me pray for my sons Myles who’s turning 16 and Mason who’s turning 15. Help me pray for them since they have suffered from having an alcoholic father .I have raised Myles and mason with Gods ...Read Morehelp and all of your support. Myles has anxiety and depression and goes to a private therapeutic school since 5 grade. Mason has many emotional issues. I have tried to plant the seed of faith and they now refuse to go to church with me. Please help me pray for my sons to come back to church. I love you all my sisters and brothers brothers in Jesus Christ. Thank you for always being with my sons and I in spirit. Your sister Sindy 🙏❤️🌼🌸

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jdjdjd from Usa requests prayer...

I am having bad dreams. Sometimes bad dreams just happen on their own, but I believe this is a demonic attack.

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JasonDDDD from Usa requests prayer...

Please Pray for the Lord Jesus to protect and heal my Wife, Children, Parents and Myself. Please pray for the Lord to help me get all of my debt paid off soon. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers.

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Terri from Florida requests prayer...

Heavenly Father, thank You for this day and for always being with us! Help us to be encouraged to always to spread Your good news, no matter where we are. Please forgive my sins and mistakes and give me a heart of forgiveness for others. Thank You...Read More for hearing and answering prayers. Please bless all on this prayer wall, everyone that I love and care for and myself with protection, health, hope, safety, peace and prosperity. Thank You Lord, for every good thing!! Amen

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God’sgotthis from Georgia requests prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father I pray for health and wellbeing, safety and protection and to be a blessing to all who will need my help today! I thank you for answered prayers and peace! Please stay close to my heart snd May every action taken snd every word s...Read Morepoken by me today be a source of support for others! Thank you Precious Heavenly Father! You are Awesome! Your will be done! Amen

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God’sgotthis from Georgia requests prayer...

Dear Heavenly Father I pray for all on this prayer wall! I appreciate the responses to my prayer requests and I pray for God’s blessings and comfort for you as well! This prayer wall is a very powerful resource for all of God’s children! I am so grat...Read Moreeful for this! AMEN!

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LoraAitchi requests prayer...

My Dad got baptised and was then locked up in a dementia ward. He is sane. He is trying to Appeal the decision but beaurocrats are taking a long time to give a response. Please pray for a breakthrough in the legal matter. Thankyou

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Christinab from Nc requests prayer...

2 Timothy 3:12-13 12Indeed, all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Imposters are bent on destruction, never satisfied.

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