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Welcome to The Upper Room Prayer Wall

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” —Galatians 6:2 (NRSV)

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About the Prayer Wall

The Upper Room Prayer Wall is a place for people to connect — with each other and with God. Each day, hundreds of prayer wall visitors share their needs, praises, and concerns, and they respond to prayer requests posted by others.

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Terri from Florida requests prayer...

Dear Lord, please bless my friend Rhonda with strength, hope, comfort and peace! Also, I ask for healing for Mike, Monica, Leslie, Michael, Pam, Jerry, Gerry, Gillian, Charlene, BJ, Lloyd, June and her mother, Hank, myself and everyone who is sick, ...Read Morealone, afraid and grieving. Thank You Lord, for every good thing! Amen

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MissFL from Fl requests prayer...

Please pray for me, sudden vision problems & pressure behind eyes. Thank you & Lord bless you.

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Aboyd from Australia requests prayer...

Please pray for me for this difficult time I am homeless with five little ones please I urgently need a place to live.

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels remove all delays, all problems, all bugs(if annoying and not funny), negativity from activision+blizzard+king infinitely

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels Give one of my flying saucers to every saint+angel+jesus+yahweh+my self+girlfriends Pat, present, future+family+friends in all dimensions, all realities, all timelines infinitely everywhere With inf...Read Moreinite fuel

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels infinitely Protect, heal, rescue all of my past, present, future friends+girlfriends+family+everyone they know+I know in/from/around every dimension+timeline+reality in+out of the universe Everywher...Read Moree+give them the magical iphones i requested With all of my trance music on it

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Iphone for everyone Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels Give indestructable, infinite battery, infinite internet fully upgraded+fully updated+full applications with perfect signal+perfect internet iPhones to every saint+angel+yahweh+...Read Morejesus+aliens infinitely everywhere inside+outside the universe unable to be stolen or lost or ect ect

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels Please give me the max luck in every game I play online+offline without flaws or consequences infinitely everywhere+without errors or bugs

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels please protect+rescue me everywhere even while I am outside the universe+protect all technology+inventions especially human made from everything+give me my iphone everywhere in all Dimensions with a...Read Morell my music+make iphone the top best smart phone infinitely

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Skannerz22 from Australia requests prayer...

Heavenly Father yahweh+jesus/yahshua+saints+angels reinforce all my prayers past, present, future without me needing to specifically have to believe in the positivity or negativity of my prayers i sent+never go to hell+always go to heaven+give austr...Read Morealia+the world Pensioner raises above minimin wage no consequences to anyone or anything infinitely

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