Here's a no-assembly required approach for leading a small group.
Christ said that where two or three gather in his name, he is present (Matthew 18:20). The clear pattern below can guide you in gathering weekly with other believers to listen together for God's guidance using the meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional or The Upper Room Disciplines.
Small groups usually have guidelines such as these:
Your group can discuss these guidelines and add or delete items as group members choose. Many groups post or review their guidelines during each meeting as a reminder of their covenant with one another.
Here is a simple plan for a one-hour, weekly meeting based on daily devotional practice. We recommend you follow the weekly theme in Disciplines or use the Wednesday meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional. One person may act as convener every week, or the role can rotate among group members. You may want to light a white Christ candle each week to signal the beginning of your time together.
Convener: Let us come into the presence of God.
Others: Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for being with us. Let us hear your word to us as we speak to one another.
Convener or another group member reads the suggested scripture passage. After a one- or two-minute silence, convener asks: What did you hear God saying to you in this passage? What response does this call for? (Group members respond in turn or as led.)
Convener or another group member reads aloud the chosen meditation, allowing silence afterward for reflection. The convener asks: Where do these words connect with your life? What touches you? (Group members respond in turn or as led.)
Convener directs group members to the discussion questions (specific to the Wednesday meditation in The Upper Room and based on the week’s scripture in Disciplines). The convener reads each question in turn, allowing group members time to respond after each question. In addition to the meditation-specific questions, the convener can ask:
Praying together:
Convener asks: Based on today's discussion, what people and situations do you want us to pray for now and in the coming week? Convener or another volunteer prays about the concerns named.
Convener says: Let us go in peace to serve God and our neighbors in all that we do.
© 2014 by The Upper Room, P. O. Box 340004, Nashville, TN 37203-0004. For information on books that you may use as small-group study resources, visit
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