by Claire McKeever-Burgett
The prayers we pray today are those that live deep within and
root far below.
They are the prayers of quiet spirits and questioning minds,
tumultuous tummies and fidgety fists.
We pray prayers of silence and chatter, laughter and tears.
We pray, we seek, we hope to find.
Holy God, we trust you pray with us, we trust you hear us, we
trust you know the beatings, rumblings, crevices and crannies of
our minds, our bodies and our spirits.
We walk into this Lenten journey with both timidity and
courage as our guides.
We walk into this Lenten journey committing to pray all the
prayers we need to pray,
all the prayers we want to pray, all the prayers we do not
yet know need to be prayed.
We walk into this Lenten journey because we want to follow you.
So, breathing in the silence, trusting in your way, lead us,
O Holy One, toward the import of your Love.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2014 The Upper Room.
Claire McKeever-Burgett serves on the staff of The Upper Room in Nashville, TN. An ordained Alliance of Baptist pastor, she writes often at
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