Maundy Thursday Prayer


by Carol Cook Moore

Did you really kneel and wash their feet?
O Jesus, we can’t imagine.
Did you really break the bread and name it your body?
O Jesus, we don’t understand.
Did you really lift that cup and name it a new covenant?
O Jesus, we aren’t sure.
Did you really take them to that place where they fell asleep?
O Jesus, we are disillusioned by their failure.
Did you really love the world so much?
O Jesus, we can’t remember.

Remind us now, Lord Jesus.
Re-member and remind us with bread
that breaks our hearts open,

With the cup that pours out grace,
Grace that carries us through this dark night
into tomorrow’s sorrow.

Fill us with this commandment to love.
Free us to believe what we cannot understand.
With this basin and towel, this bread and cup,
We will remember.
We will set your table with abundant grace.
We will embody this love, this faith, forever. Amen.

Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2012 The Upper Room. Used with permission.

Carol Cook Moore is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church and a member of the Oklahoma Annual Conference. She is currently working on a collection of writings on the topic of encountering grace in the midst of grief. In addition to teaching courses in worship, preaching, and designing worship, Carol enjoys gardening, beaching, and preparing family feasts.

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