Prayer for Pentecost


by Beth A. Richardson

Use this prayer at home or with your community of faith to celebrate Pentecost. Say the response simultaneously in the different languages printed, or in your own language.

Tongues of flame, illumine us to God's presence in our lives.


Come, Holy Spirit! (English)
¡Ven, Espiritu Santo! (Spanish) 
Viens, Esprit Saint! (French)
Seung reung e ye oh seh seh! (Korean) 
Vaiti, Bozhe moy! (Russian) 
Veni Sancte Spiritus! (Latin) 
Ta A la yal-rah el-ma-Qad-us! (Arabic) 
Njoo, roho mtakativu! (Swahili)

Swirling wind, gather us together as members of the Household of God. 


Spirit of God, open our eyes and our ears to hear your message of unity. 


God of Pentecost, bind us together with fire and wind and spirit, that we may know that we are one family in your eyes. 



From Alive Now, May/June 1992. Copyright © 1992 by The Upper Room.