Prayers of Assurance During Difficult Times

“I Lift my eyes to the hill---from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

You, O Creator, are our help; you, in times of darkness, are the sun who brightens our path. During our times of debilitating spiritual thirst, you pour out your Spirit upon us, as cool and invigorating rains, thus renewing our wilted spirits.

If God is for us, who can be against us? Whom shall we fear if you are for us and are in our midst? Your gaze is constantly upon us and you know our struggles and agonies even before we experience them. And you have pity on your people! Teach us how to fully trust in you. Teach us how to be your faithful disciples. Help us to grow in faith, that faith that perhaps is still feeble and needs to mature in you, until your will and our will are one. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ who grew in grace and in wisdom before you. Amen

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