The Season after Pentecost / Ordinary Time


Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck and John S. Mogabgab

The season after Pentecost is the least structured season of the Christian year. It continues to remind us of the central truth of the gospel. This is made abundantly clear by the fact that the season begins with Trinity Sunday and ends with Reign of Christ Sunday. However, each Sunday has its distinct message shaped by the lectionary readings of the day. The Gospel readings focus on teachings about the kingdom of God and also include the social concerns present in the epistle and Old Testament readings of the season. The season after Pentecost is a time for Christians to reflect deeply on the meaning of God’s kingdom as they seek to live as faithful followers of Jesus Christ. But the call and demand of the scriptures of the season ask for much more than reflection. Clearly, this season of the year calls for a faithful response to the gospel, a response that goes beyond reflection and takes the believer where Jesus has gone before. The faithful find themselves being led to humanity’s wounds, where Jesus is already at work welcoming, loving, and healing the lost.

The season after Pentecost invites us to recall Jesus’ words, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do” (Mark 2:17). It also calls to mind that as Christians we are the Body of Christ and are sent to offer Christ’s loving presence, redemption, healing, companionship, and hope to the wounded of the world. This is an overwhelming calling. We cannot do it on our own. But we remember Pentecost and that the promise of God with us has been fulfilled. We then find courage, insight, wisdom, strength, grace, and God’s loving presence to guide and uphold us as we say yes to the call of God. So we continue our faithful and joyful walk with the ever-present One to comfort, guide, and sustain us.

From A Guide to Prayer for All Who Walk with God by Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck, and John S. Mogabgab. Copyright @ 2013 by Upper Room Books. All rights reserved.
