A True Lover of Peace, Thursday, Advent Week 2

Statue of St. Francis in a small rock grotto.

© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com


Ever-loving God, thank you for your presence in difficult situations. Help me be a true lover of peace, at peace in your vast heart. Amen.

Carry These Words in Your Heart Today

Let me be a true lover of peace.

Today's Picture

I came upon this statue of St. Francis when I was taking a walk during retreat. I was attending a 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation at Mercy Center in Burlingame, California. As I walked the grounds of the retreat center, I found surprises such as this statue. Each surprise reminds me that if I stay alert, I'll find glimpses of the holy in the most unlikely places.


Who in your life best shines through as a "true lover of peace"?

Book of the Day

The Riches of Simplicity

Francis of Assisi

How cool is it that we have writings by Saint Francis — the saint of garden statues and animal blessings. This booklet is one of The Upper Room Spiritual Classics. It contains collected writings by Francis of Assisi and his female sidekick, Clare of Assisi.

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