© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com
God of the brokenhearted, it is hard to be in mourning during this joyous time of year. But I know that you come to all of us, especially those filled with tears as captives to grief. Wrap them in your comforting spirit. Amen.
God comforts all who mourn.
When I was in Italy a couple of years ago, I lit a candle in each church I entered. I had a good friend who was struggling with breast cancer. Lighting a candle and saying a prayer for her was something positive I could do. I saw God's comforting Spirit in the faith of all those glowing candles.
This is a difficult time of year for those who are struggling with grief or loss. Who in your life needs God's comfort?
Mary Lou Redding
This is a great book by my friend Mary Lou Redding. Mary Lou is the retired editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide — and a talented writer. In The Power of a Focused Heart Mary Lou takes a look at the "8 Life Lessons from the Beatitudes." The eight chapters of the book deal with real-life themes such as poverty, grief, power, and being satisfied. She writes, "The spiritual life is not about rules; true spirituality is about relationship. It's not about how well we pray or how many Bible verses we can quote. It is about living in relationship with God, depending on God daily."
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