© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com
God, when I am joyless, help me stop, turn to you, and take actions of joy. Let me join with you in selfless joy. Amen.
I will open my eyes to see God's joy.
The readings in The Uncluttered Heart today talk about how joy is an action as well as an emotion. I took this picture a couple of years ago when I was on vacation. I spent two thirds of the day bemoaning the fact that it was raining. Then I took a walk and discovered that the day was beautiful, despite — or maybe because of — the rain and fog.
These days, is joy more of an emotion or an action for you?
ed. Keith Beasley-Topliff
Evelyn Underhill was a 20th-century British spiritual writer and retreat leader. Her writings are lovely and powerful. Here's one of my favorite quotes by her: "Faithfulness is consecration in overalls. It is the steady acceptance and performance of the common duty and immediate task without any reference to personal preferences — because it is there to be done and so is a manifestation of the Will of God." The Writings of Evelyn Underhill is part of The Upper Room Spiritual Classics Series.
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