More from Ann Stewart

September 26, 2017 by Ann Stewart (South Australia, Australia)

I recently sold my lovely cottage on the river in Goolwa and moved to Adelaide to be closer to family. I have downsized, and that meant a lot of culling. God has been so good in providing for all my needs and I love my new little unit. In front of my kitchen window was a lovely bottle brush tree. After living there for a short time I found that this tree, although beautiful, was preventing the light from coming into my kitchen and living room. I made the decision to have the tree removed. Now my kitchen is full of light and the morning sun shines in filling the room with warmth and light. It has also opened up the view and now I can see a variety of other trees from the window including a flowering gum tree and a jacaranda.

Thinking about the decision to remove the tree reminded me of the need at times to examine my life. I asked myself if there was anything in my life that was blocking God's light from entering. What did I need to remove from my life to be closer to my Lord? The things that needed attention were not necessarily bad in themselves. However, like the bottle brush tree, maybe they needed culling to improve my relationship with God in this season.

It's been an interesting process and one that will hopefully lead me to identify and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, remove anything that is blocking God's love from shining in and through me to others.

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Image by: Guy MOLL