More From Carol Elaine Harrison

April 24, 2019 by Carol Elaine Harrison (Saskatchewan, Canada)
Carol and her husband, Brian, in the mountains, where praises
to God rang in Carol's heart constantly.

Many years have passed since my youngest daughter, Amee, sang the song “Blessed Be Your Name” with abandon. She still loves music, but her sensitive hearing does not allow her to fully enjoy corporate worship. Too much excitement and noise can trigger a seizure and days of tiredness to follow for her. Yet in the quiet of home, at low volume, she still loves to hear songs that praise her Saviour.

Music plays a huge part in my life as well. It soothes my soul, uplifts my spirits, and allows me to express my love and worship to God. The words of old hymns or more modern worship songs often come to mind or burst forth when something reminds me of how great God is.

When I have stood and gazed at rugged mountains with tumbling waterfalls or watched ocean waves crash on the rocky shoreline, the words to How Great Thou Art filled my mouth. Too often I don’t let them come out — afraid of what others around me might say. But I should be more like my daughter always was and just let the worship explode from me.

A few months ago I ended up in the hospital for a few days. The doctors ruled out some terrible health issues but could not pinpoint the cause of my pain. I hurt, and exhaustion enveloped me. The temptation to feel sorry for myself almost overwhelmed me at times, but tunes worship songs teased the corners of my mind. Psalm 100:1 reminded me to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

I found two hours of uninterrupted worship songs, and with my hearing aids Bluetoothed to my phone I could listen and praise God from my hospital bed. It did not matter where I was or who else might come and go from the room, the words of praise filtered into my head and down to my heart. Peace invaded the room and me.

Life can get tough and messy at times. Songs remind me that Jesus loves me and that I am a child of God. Yes, my daughter Amee loved to sing and so do I. God has often used music to speak to me, to provide me with the words to express my love to God, and to encourage me that I am loved. I hope it does that for you too.

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