More From Eve Newman

April 26, 2019 by Eve Newman (Minnesota, USA)

Every night at supper time, I read the Upper Room daily bible reading, the prayer, and the Thought for the Day to my family. We read the stories on our own, and sometimes we talk about them at supper.

I told my mom that I would like to share my story about my disabilities and how they affect my life. She did some research to find out how to share my story about a bus ride with others. Then I worked on it for weeks. We looked in the Bible to find the best verses. I read my Bible almost every day and it helps me to live my life and to talk to God, so it was special to look for a verse about being quiet and listening to God's comforting words.

When we found out that I might actually get published, my mom and sister and I took a road trip from Minnesota to Nashville. I got to meet one of the editors of The Upper Room, and he showed us the Upper Room Chapel. The chapel was so beautiful and inspirational. In the Upper Room Museum, there was a room with creches from all over the world. I was inspired by one to create a Christmas card. I also plan to make a clay manger scene at the art center I go to with other adults who have disabilities.

I encourage you to write your story for The Upper Room and also to visit the Upper Room Chapel in Nashville. It will give you inspiration when you see the big stained glass window.

Eve Newman

P.S. From Debby, Eve's mom — Eve was in special education classes during her school years. Oftentimes after graduation, people with disabilities don't have many opportunities to read and continue to develop skills. The Upper Room has been an accessible and inclusive way for Eve to read and have meaningful discussions. We also use it in our Sunday School class for adults with intellectual disabilities. Thank you, Upper Room staff and writers, for your dedication and sharing of everyday stories.  

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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