The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Dear Upper Room readers,
Since I wrote the devotional titled “Trusting God to Intervene in Our Lives,” I have continued to see and feel the power of God in many ways. God has continued to teach me the importance of prayer. Therefore, I would like to share with you this blog post. Feel free to visit my website for more of my devotionals and blogs on various topics. You can find my website here: https://drclem.com/. And here is the link to my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DrClementineM/.
May the Lord bless you!
Most of us have experienced times of uncertainty or challenging situations when we felt we had nowhere to turn and few, if any, resources. During the most challenging moments in my life, I have come to value the power of prayer. It has played a powerful role in my story and become my greatest asset in my times of most heartbreaking loss.
Prayer Is Power
Prayer teaches us three things that give us power.
Our knowledge is limited, and we’re dependent upon God.
We can’t see into the future. And we often struggle to make wise decisions because our knowledge is limited. But God knows all things. The Bible tells us God has numbered the hairs on our heads.I believe that God knows which of my hairs are going gray and which ones got stuck on my pillow on Tuesday.
This is important because it shows that God cares about the tiniest details of our lives. God orchestrated every cell that works in our bodies. Prayer reminds me that I am totally dependent upon God. It also reminds me that God yearns to speak to me and have me pour out my heart to him.
God builds our faith through the power of prayer.
In our lives, we face many risks. Forgiving someone requires that we risk being hurt again. Tithing to church when we are struggling to make ends meet means taking a risk. Serving in an area where we don’t feel qualified can also be risky. In these situations we must ask ourselves, Am I willing to take the risk and move forward in the power of God?
Prayer empowers us—not because it’s a formula for success, but because prayer allows us to communicate with the greatest power in the universe. God uses prayer to build our faith and our vision, to direct us, to comfort us, to guide us, and to give us peace through prayer. The more we talk to God, the easier it becomes to step out in faith because we know God better and learn to trust God more.
God speaks to us through prayer, expecting us to move.
Prayer is conversation. I speak to God, and God speaks back to me. But God also waits expectantly for my participation in God’s plan. When we feel God leading us, we can act in faith upon the truth of who God is and who we are in God.
I would love to hear from you. How has God worked in your life through prayer? How has God strengthened your faith through prayer? Can you offer suggestions for others who are working to create a more intimate and powerful prayer life?
I appreciate the opportunity to hear your story and to join with you in harnessing the power of prayer.
Peace and health,
Clementine Msengi