The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
SHARONNE PRICE | Read Romans 6:1-11
The ght for freedom from apartheid lies deep and strong in the memory of many people who lived through it. Steve Biko, murdered in September 1977, had been a trailblazer who believed that his people would be freed from oppression only when they were freed in their minds and they...
Almighty God, who through the mystery of the cross and res- urrection brings the gift of eternal life, grant us the courage to die to self so we may rise with Christ to the joy of your eternal kingdom. Amen.
Implicit in the story of Hagar and Ishmael is the threat to Isaac and to God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah. The psalmist captures the terror by unnamed forms of destruction that may threaten an individual or people. Paul raises the specter of that most universal threat—death—but does so within the context of the new life won by Christ’s resurrection. Matthew describes various ways in which the enemies of Jesus threaten his disciples because of their association with him.
• Read Genesis 21:8-21. When have you felt burdened and outcast? What was your experience of God’s hearing you where you were?
• Read Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17. Do you pray in the confidence that God hears and will answer your pleas? If not, how could you learn to pray in that manner?
• Read Romans 6:1b-11. Paul speaks of dying to self and rising with Christ. How has your Christian faith given you a sense of freedom from sin?
• Read Matthew 10:24-39. What makes God’s presence real to you? How does God’s intimate knowledge of you—the number of hairs on your head—make you feel?
Respond by posting a prayer.