The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
KARLA KINCANNON | Read Matthew 15:10-28
Many of us feel passionate about church or family traditions. Years ago my family changed one of its Christmas traditions. Family members were very vocal about what we left out of our traditional celebration! Change is difficult.
The Pharisees believed that practicing their traditions kept them connected to God and...
God, grant us purity of heart to love as Christ does. Amen.
Genesis 45 portrays Joseph in a moment of triumph. The trials of the past are over, and his trembling brothers are now in his power. Joseph acknowledges God’s hand in the events of his life and is reconciled to those who attempted to do him harm. Psalm 133 is a brief but exuberant song to the spirit of unity and fellowship that can exist among the members of the family of God. Paul delivers a resounding “no” to the idea that God has rejected Israel. God’s election is irrevocable. The story of Jesus and the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15 illustrates the wide umbrella of God’s mercy. The woman’s faith and persistence serve in a curious way to minister to Jesus. As she becomes a means of God’s grace to Jesus, he extends God’s mercy to her.
• Read Genesis 45:1-15. What relationship in your life needs reconciliation? How will you help bring it about?
• Read Psalm 133. How healthy is your church family? Is there need for greater unity among the members?
• Read Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32. What wounds in your life have brought you a greater understanding of God’s mercy?
• Read Matthew 15:10-28. The writer says, “The work of Christians is to love others, not to change them.” Is this difficult for you?
Respond by posting a prayer.