The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Stephen Bauman | Read Romans 16:25-27
I live in midtown Manhattan amid a forest of tall buildings—
with many more under construction. Wandering among these
massive structures, some with impressive cranes pricking the
sky, can make a person feel insignificant by comparison—small,
I was present the dreadful day when two of the tallest
buildings came...
Awesome God, you are my strength. You alone know the nature of my precarious situation. I will trust you as the child of Bethlehem takes on the burden of my weakness. Amen.
Second Samuel 7 extols Yahweh’s choice of the family of David as the extraordinary vehicle for divine salvation. God now plans to do a new and unparalleled thing in the life of humankind. Mary’s song of wonder from Luke 1 serves as the psalm selection. It centers on her realization that human life will now never be the same. In the epistle reading, Paul rejoices that by the power of God the times are what they are. In the Gospel text, Gabriel announces to Mary that she will bear the “Son of God.” Overwhelmed by both the holiness and the enormity of the moment, Mary nonetheless consents to the will of God as brought by God’s messenger.
• Read 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16. Respond to the author’s question, “How shall we interpret good fortune or bad from the perspective of God’s good care for us?”
• Read Luke 1:47-55. How do you learn to embrace the mystery of holy time in the commonplace events of your day?
• Read Romans 16:25-27. How has God’s love shown through Jesus Christ proved to be an antidote to your fears?
• Read Luke 1:26-38. Where do you see the “lowly lifted up and the hungry filled with good things”? How can you participate in that gracious work of God? What fears can you name before God?
Respond by posting a prayer.