The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Mary Lou Redding (Tennessee) | Read Romans 4:17-25
When I read that Abraham “did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body,” I wonder how he managed that. I’m not even close to one hundred, and my literal and metaphorical weakness is daunting. But “did not weaken in faith” cannot mean easy and automatic acceptance of...
O God, thank you for the unfailing grace that guarantees your promise to see us as righteous. Amen.
We cannot earn God’s love. Going back to the time of Abraham, God’s blessing has been based on faith. God chose Abraham for a covenant not because Abraham was perfect but because he believed God. The psalmist reminds his audience of their ancient relationship with God and expresses the hope that it will continue through future generations. Paul reinforces the centrality of faith in Romans. Following the law was not bad, but no one should believe that following the law could earn God’s favor. In Mark 8, Jesus pushes his disciples in their understanding of faith. Trusting God means surrendering everything, including position and reputation. If we value those things more than God, then we are not displaying the faith of Abraham.
• Read Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. No rules, just relationship. How comfortable are you in your relationship with God? Upon what does it rest?
• Read Psalm 22. Which verses are most familiar to you? In what ways does your faith journey live in the interplay of shadow and light?
• Read Romans 4:13-25. How easily do you live in God’s grace? In what areas do you find yourself “reckoning” your righteousness?
• Read Mark 8:31-38. When the world asks you who you are, what is your reply?
Respond by posting a prayer.