Throughout this week, we have reflected on God’s pedagogy for the faithful. Today, we will focus briefly on those who “don’t get it.” In his cleansing of the Temple, Jesus seeks to overturn religious rituals that are no longer instructive or life-giving. Unfortunately, some Jewish leaders “don’t get” what Jesus...

O God, who loves us extravagantly, may we grow in faith through the many ways you teach us. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
February 26 – March 4, 2018
Scripture Overview

As we continue in the season of Lent, we remember another important chapter in salvation history. Just as God established covenants with Noah and Abraham and their descendants, so did God renew the relationship with the Israelites by giving them the law. Obedience to the law was not the means of earning God’s love, but a response of love by the people to the love God had already shown them. The psalmist understands that God’s law creates a cause for rejoicing, for it is more valuable than gold. Both Paul and John address situations in which some had distorted the worship of God. Either they considered themselves too good for the gospel (1 Corinthians), or they had violated the covenant by altering proper worship for the sake of profit (John).

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Exodus 20:1-17. How do you keep God central in your life? When do you relegate God to the margins?
• Read Psalm 19. What do the heavens tell you? How often do you spend time in nature? In what ways does that activity renew your spirit?
• Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. In what ways is the cross a stum-
bling block to you?
• Read John 2:13-22. What signs do you ask of God? In what ways might they be life-giving, a renewal of relationship with the Creator?

Respond by posting a prayer.