The score-keeping life is the way that leads to death. God’s generosity leads to life. God says here, “I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.” No more keeping a record of sin, a list of wrongdoings. No more keeping score. No big scoreboard in the sky...

Free us from the bondage of score keeping in our lives, with others and with you, O Lord. Hold us in the wideness of your mercy and love. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
March 12–18, 2018
Scripture Overview

We can maintain outward appearances for only so long. At some point what is in our hearts will come to the surface. God understands this, of course, which is the reason for the promise in Jeremiah. God promises a day when God’s law will no longer be an external standard that we are trying to follow, but will be written on our hearts. In the aftermath of his sin with Bathsheba, David cries out in Psalm 51 for God’s forgiveness and a new heart. The New Testament readings begin to focus our minds toward the end of Jesus’ life. God’s transformative work comes at a cost to God through the death of his Son, who suffered in obedience but through his death was glorified.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. In what areas of your life do you find yourself keeping score? How can you release that tendency?
• Read Psalm 51:1-12. What clutters your heart, making it unavailable for love?
• Read Hebrews 5:5-10. When have you fallen into the habit of faith rather than exhibiting authentic faith? What distinction do you draw between the two?
• Read John 12:20-33. How does the author’s illustration of the seed and flower help you understand Jesus’ crucifixion and death?

Respond by posting a prayer.