The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
J. Michael Ripski | Read 1 John 5:1-6
Today’s epistle lesson and tomorrow’s Gospel lesson describe the radical difference faith in Jesus Christ makes in who we become through him. Both offer antidotes to a religion of “oughts,” “musts,” and “shoulds.”
The epistle writer’s familial language of parent and child depicts the conversion from the self-centered motivation of...
Spirit of Truth, help us conquer the world with love by living as though the victory is already won. Because when we do, it is. And what a wonderful world it will be. Amen.
The Acts passage continues to tell the story of the advance of the gospel. The Holy Spirit falls on a group of Gentiles. They believe and are baptized, thus showing God’s inclusion of all peoples in the plan of salvation. Psalm 98 is a simple declaration of praise. All creation will sing to and rejoice in the Lord. The two passages from John are linked by their emphasis on the relationship between love and obedience. We do not follow God’s commandments in order to make God love us. On the contrary, because God has first loved us and we love God in return, we follow God’s teachings. Jesus provides the model for us, being obedient to his Father out of love.
• Read Acts 10:44-48. When has the Spirit of God brought you to a new understanding?
• Read Psalm 98. Does the guest of honor’s coming to judge the earth make you feel easy or uneasy? Why?
• Read 1 John 5:1-6. Is your life one of “oughts,” “musts,” and “shoulds”? Do you impose them on yourself, or do they come from others? How do you move toward loving obedience?
• Read John 15:9-17. How do you experience yourself as a manifestation of the Logos?
Respond by posting a prayer.