Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote about “cheap grace,” grace with­out serious cost, grace without a cross, cosmetic sharing and blessing not deeply felt. Charity also can be either cheap or costly. We can contribute without feeling the impact on our checkbooks or credit cards. We willingly share our money “off the top”...

Use me, O God, to confirm your power to translate even small but costly sacrifices into joyful blessings for many. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
November 5–11, 2018
Scripture Overview

Ruth’s story forms part of the background of the family of Jesus. The son of Ruth and Boaz, Obed, is David’s grandfather. The women of Bethlehem rejoice with Naomi at the birth of her grandson, and the psalmist declares that children are a blessing from God. In the scriptures children are spoken of only as a blessing, never as a liability (unlike some narratives in our culture). The Hebrew writer builds upon the eternal nature of Christ’s sacrifice, proclaiming that his death was sufficient once for all. In Mark, Jesus warns his disciples not to be fooled by appearances. Those who put on a big show of piety do not impress God. God wants us instead to give from the heart, even if no one but God sees.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17. How has your life been enriched through the diversity of people around you?
• Read Psalm 127. How do you actively ensure the shaping of your household around godly practice?
• Read Hebrews 9:24-28. What spiritual income do you draw upon to keep your faith and hope alive?
• Read Mark 12:38-44. How do you guard against duplicitous living?

Respond by posting a prayer.