The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Lynne M. Deming | Read Isaiah 12:2-6
Today’s scripture was spoken by the prophet Isaiah to the people of Judah, who were living in the shadow of the powerful Assyrian Empire at the time. Isaiah prophesied to Judah from roughly 750 to 700 bce. The eighth century was a time of turmoil and unpredictability in the lives...
Loving and gracious God, help us trust in you during times of uncertainty and turmoil. May we not be afraid. Amen.
As I reviewed the scripture passages for this week, a hymn titled “Rejoice, Give Thanks and Sing” kept going through my mind. The writers of this week’s texts advise us to do all these things. At this time of year, these responses often seem to come naturally for many of us. The prophet Zephaniah exhorts his audience to sing aloud and rejoice. The prophet Isaiah calls on the people of Judah to “give thanks to the Lord.” In the letter to the Philippians, Paul advises his audience to “rejoice in the Lord always.” The tone of the Luke passage for this week is more somber; through the words of John the Baptist, Luke challenges his audience to maintain right relationships with God and humanity. Taken together, these passages provide a number of life lessons.
• Read Isaiah 12:2-6. Think about the times of uncertainty in your life. What did you fear? Who or what gave you comfort during these times?
• Read Zephaniah 3:14-20. When have you found joy in the midst of trouble? Think back on that time in your life, and give thanks for God’s presence.
• Read Luke 3:7-18. Where in your life are you being nudged to do the right thing? How will you respond?
• Read Philippians 4:4-7. At what times is God most present in your life? When do you find yourself searching for God?
Respond by posting a prayer.