Christianne Squires | Read Mark 9:2
It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Who else had been granted access to such a sight in all of history? Moses and Elijah were here, and the Rabbi Jesus too, now radiant in resplendent glory. Surely the right response was to stay put, to build a...
Spend five minutes stilling your body and quieting your mind. If it helps, focus on the flame of a candle. Make the intention of this time to simply listen for the voice of Jesus speaking to you. What do you hear?
We cannot earn God’s love. Going back to the time of Abraham, God’s blessing has been based on faith. God chose Abraham for a covenant not because Abraham was perfect but because he believed God. The psalmist reminds his audience of their ancient relationship with God and expresses the hope that it will continue through future generations. In Romans, Paul reinforces the centrality of faith. Following the law was not bad, but no one should believe that following the law could earn God’s favor. Some of Jesus’ disciples share with him an experience that mystifies them. Trusting God means surrendering everything in faith.
Read Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. What is the basis of your relationship with God? How comfortable do you feel in it?
Read Psalm 22:23-31. Where do you find hope in troubling times?
Read Romans 4:13-25. How easily do you live in God’s grace? In what areas do you find yourself “reckoning” your righteousness?
Read Mark 9:2-9. Do you ever find it difficult to believe in things you may not fully understand? What helps you to trust in God?
Respond by posting a prayer.