The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
D. L. Mayfield | Read Isaiah 9:2-7
My mother is a tutor at an elementary school, whose students include many immigrants and refugees. (In this small school there are twenty-nine languages spoken.) Every day my mom asks her students a simple question. One day she asked a seven-year-old from Afghanistan what he liked about living in the...
Reread Isaiah 9:2-7. Which good news leaps out the most to you? How do you see God’s kingdom coming even now in the midst of increased global conflict?
The boy Samuel worshiped and served God from a young age. He grows in stature and favor, the same description that will later be applied to the young Jesus in this week’s reading from Luke. The psalmist praises God for raising up a “horn” for the people. This “horn” is referred to elsewhere in the Psalms as being the True King from the line of David, identified later by Luke (1:69) as Jesus. Paul encourages the Colossians to let love rule in their community and to praise God with songs and hymns (such as the Psalms). The additional readings for this special week focus our minds on the Advent of the Lord, the amazing truth that “the Word became flesh and lived among us” (John 1:14), as the prophets had prophesied long ago.
Read Isaiah 9:2-7. Where in your world do you see darkness? What lies within your power to dispel it?
Read Psalm 148. How do you experience God’s creations worshiping and praising God? How do you join in that worship?
Read Colossians 3:12-17. How are you clothing yourself with love during this season?
Read Luke 2:1-20. In what ways do you hold and ponder the story of Christ’s birth in your heart?
Respond by posting a prayer.