The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Memory Chikosi | Read Jeremiah 31:7-9
The scripture reading for today falls within a section (chapters 30-31) that foretells the beautiful vision of the restoration that God plans for the exiled people of Israel. Jeremiah announces that God will restore the land of Judah and Israel from captivity amidst shouts of joy. The prophet goes on...
For all the pain and bruises we experience as a people, Lord, reconstruct, purify, and grant us the capacity to experience your leading and full restoration. Amen.
The readings for this week are full of praise for God’s gift of Jesus Christ and an emphasis on human helplessness apart from God. Jeremiah portrays an exiled people’s despair turning to joy at their restoration. The psalmist proclaims God’s power to protect and provide for God’s people, and Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explains that God’s will from the beginning has been for our adoption as God’s children through Christ. Praise and thanksgiving to God are the common and appropriate responses to all these mighty acts of God.
Read Jeremiah 31:7-14. How have you been restored by God’s kindness?
Read Psalm 147:12-20. In what ways have you experienced God strengthening and restoring you?
Read Ephesians 1:3-14. How do you set your hope on Christ? How do you live differently because of that hope?
Respond by posting a prayer.