Who would actually go shopping with no resources and no money? Who would risk the embarrassment, disdain, and humiliation associated with being found lacking? Yet this passage asks us to be vulnerable in trusting our well-founded relationship with God.

Who among us likes to ask for help? The core of...

Eternal God, make us vulnerable and willing to begin again, trusting you to love and forgive unconditionally. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
March 14–20, 2022
Scripture Overview

In the midst of Lent, when many might be giving up a certain food that they love, we read about feasting. The focus is not on physical feasting, but on feasting as a metaphor for communing with God. Isaiah describes food and drink that one cannot buy with money, for it comes freely from the Lord. The psalmist describes the state of his soul as being hungry and thirsty. Only meditating on God’s faithfulness nourishes his soul at the deepest level. Physical food is momentary, but spiritual nourishment endures. In First Corinthians, Paul appeals to this imagery. Although the ancients experience this spiritual nourishment, some pursue physical pleasure and stray into idolatry and immorality. Partaking in this nourishment should cause us in turn to produce spiritual fruit, as Jesus admonishes his listeners.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Isaiah 55:1-9. When has God’s grace inverted your expectations?
Read Psalm 63:1-8. As you mature in faith, what new questions about God do you ask?
Read 1 Corinthians 10:1-13. Think of a time you have faced great temptation. How did God help you endure it?
Read Luke 13:1-9. For what do you need to repent?

Respond by posting a prayer.