Cameron Barr | Read Matthew 5:21-37
Law codes mentioned in the New Testament are also a revealing window into the past. The authors of the Gospels appeal to Jesus as a source of authority. None do so more than Matthew, who reports Jesus’ comments on Hebrew law codes concerning murder, making oaths, and marriage. The attention...
God, when we give, remind us of our poverty. When we counsel, awaken in us our grieving. When we feed others, strike us with our hunger. When we pass judgment, afflict us with the mercy we have received. Amen.
This week we continue to explore the importance of Christian morality. We do not earn God’s grace by our actions; rather, our obedience is a response to God’s grace. In Deuteronomy, we read that the choice of life will bring prosperity and is the proper response from a heart of gratitude. The psalmist echoes this sentiment, for blessed are those who follow the Lord not just with words but also with actions. The Corinthians have not understood this, so they continue to act like those in the world around them, living by the flesh instead of by the Spirit. Jesus pushes us even further. God sees not only what we do on the outside but who we are on the inside. A true life of obedience begins on the inside and flows outward.
Read Deuteronomy 30:15-20. When have you experienced the choice God sets before us of life or death, prosperity or adversity, blessings or curses? How have you discerned how to obey God?
Read Psalm 119:1-8. How does following God’s commandments bring you joy?
Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. What affiliations of yours or of people you know could you insert in place of “Paul” or “Apollos” in the scripture?
Read Matthew 5:21-37. When have you experienced legalistic interpretations of scripture? How do you get to the heart of scripture?
Respond by posting a prayer.