Food is my favorite thing in the world. My earliest memories of my grandmother are connected with biscuits baking, collards bubbling on the stove, and big egg-filled breakfasts that we’d eat on the weekends. Sometimes when I find myself thinking about her, I can smell these aromas.

I imagine the...

O God, you are the God of the harvest. Remind us of your presence among us and the presence of those we love. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
September 4–10, 2023
Scripture Overview

We move forward in the story of Moses to the climax in Egypt, the tenth plague. God tells the Israelites to prepare for the terrible night to come and establishes the feast of Passover. It is to be an eternal reminder of what God has done for the people. The psalmist praises God for faithfulness and victory, including overthrowing those who would oppress them. Egypt is not mentioned specifically, yet the Passover represents just such a situation. Paul echoes Jesus in summarizing much of the Law in one simple commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus provides practical teaching on handling disagreements. Our first responsibility is to go to the other party privately and then include others only as necessary. Gossip and social media are not the ways to handle our disputes.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Exodus 12:1-14. How has the story of Passover shaped your faith?Read Psalm 149. How has God called you to seek freedom from oppression for yourself or others through praise and through action?Read Romans 13:8-14. What does it mean to consider love a driving force rather than a warm feeling? How does this understanding change the way you act toward yourself and your neighbors?Read Matthew 18:15-20. When have you participated in or witnessed true reconciliation? How did you see compassion at work?

Respond by posting a prayer.