We are in God’s time. God’s own life encircles our beginning and our ending, permeating our present with the reality of eternity. Now we have life eternal. Yet we still hear the ticking of clocks, and we sense the movement of life, the change of seasons, and the changes in...

Merciful God, grant me a greater sense of my time held in your hands. Attune my senses to your presence in each moment, guiding me in all that I do. Should I lose myself in the worries of time, remind me that you hold the future. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
November 27–December 3, 2023
Scripture Overview

The readings from the Hebrew scriptures have a common theme: The people have sinned and turned away from God, and now they cry out for God to forgive them. Even though they have created the separation from God, the authors are confident that God will restore them. These images of longing for God are appropriate as we begin the season of Advent. Paul opens First Corinthians reminding the Christians in Corinth that they have been richly blessed by God with spiritual gifts to sustain and strengthen them as they wait for the coming of Christ. Again this week, the Gospel reading refers to the return of Christ, a day known only to God.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Isaiah 64:1-9. When have you treated God as a vending machine and held a grudge against God? What restored your faith or changed your perspective?Read Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19. When have you been frustrated by others’ praises of God’s blessings? When have you cried out to God, “Restore us”?Read 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. What spiritual gifts are you con- scious of having? What might your faith community look like if everyone employed their spiritual gifts?Read Mark 13:24-37. What is your job in the household of God? How do you stay alert?

Respond by posting a prayer.