Today’s reading shows that Paul did more than start new churches; he also brought people into full understanding of the gospel. Before going out to create a new community, Paul met people who were already believers. But they had never heard of the Holy Spirit.
Paul was not in such...

Spirit-sending God, in this our season of division, help us form friendships as a testimony to what you are doing to form communities of faithfulness. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
January 1– 7, 2024
Scripture Overview

The beginning of the year marks several occasions for the people of the book to remember God’s works to set right all that is wrong in the world. This week we will remember the original Creation project that exposes God’s intention to form a people—communities of faithfulness. It’s a disrupting claim when we move from the Advent season of expectation into the season of Epiphany where we see clearly that our hopes are not yet realized. Each reading reminds us of God’s provision of opportunities to take the next leg of the journey toward the promised peace of God made known in Jesus.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-13. Consider what season of life you (and your community) find yourself in as we begin this new year.
Read Genesis 1:1-5. How might this year begin a season of seeing through the chaos so that your actions show others the beauty God continues to create?
Read Psalm 29. Choose a word that you will hold throughout the coming year that enables you to acknowledge God presence in all things, every day.
Read Acts 19:1-7. What relationships hold you accountable for demonstrating God’s presence among those who are not members of your community?
Read Mark 1:4-11. How does your life reflect that your primary identity—one baptized with the Holy Spirit—is a witness to God made known in Jesus?

Respond by posting a prayer.