Christal Williams | Read Psalm 130:1-8
Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you are going to pray don’t worry, and if you are going to worry don’t pray”? This phrase implies that prayer assuages worries, and worrying inhibits prayer. I find, however, that the two do often go hand-in-hand. In Psalm 130, the psalmist is...
God, we are actively waiting and ready to call upon you in trouble and in times of joy. Amen.
Our readings from Second Samuel invite you to look at the cries of King David as warrior, father, child of God, and king. These readings contrast with the life and call of Jesus as the bread of life, which comes down from heaven and is gifted to all. In the psalm, we will see both the faith and frailty of a psalmist who acknowledges the need to be heard, forgiven, and rescued by God. The reading from the letter to the Ephesians calls for unity and maturity in the body of Christ. This week’s reading will be bread not only for your soul but your life.
Read 2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33. Have you ever been afraid? Did that fear paralyze you? How does your relationship with God help anxiety to dissipate?
Read Psalm 130. When have you experienced God’s presence in times of despair?
Read Ephesians 4:25–5:2. What is the difference between unity and uniformity? Once accepting this relationship in the body of Christ, how vital will replacing old behaviors with new ones become?
Read John 6:35, 41-51. Have you ever had to make a declaration that seemed unpopular? What unpopular statements are you being called to make now?
Respond by posting a prayer.