Sing joyfully! Shout! Raise your voices! This invitation may sound like a memory of Christmas morning with your overly excited siblings, children, or grandchildren. But this passage invited the people of Israel to praise at an unexpected time—after exile. To sing, shout, and raise their voices to God, yes! But,...

Holy God, keep me safe and give me comfort. Help me feel close to you as I hum or sing, offering you my praise and thanksgiving. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
January 1–5, 2025
Scripture Overview

Jeremiah delivers happy news, a promise from the Lord of a brighter future day. God will bring back the scattered peoples from everywhere to their homeland, and their mourning will turn into joy. The psalmist encourages those in Jerusalem to praise God for all that God has done. God gives protection, peace, and the law to the children of Israel. The author of Ephesians encourages his readers with confidence in God’s eternal plan. God’s will was to send Christ and adopt us into God’s family. We have been sealed with the Holy Spirit. The opening to John helps us understand the eternal scope of God’s plan. From the beginning, the Word has been with God but then became flesh and lives among us to reveal divine glory.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

• Read Jeremiah 31:7-14. Consider those who live in exile from their home or from their family relationships. How can you share Jeremiah’s words of God’s comfort?
• Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-13. In what season of life do you find yourself? What are you praying for in this season?
• Read John 1:1-18. What does it mean for you that the true light enlightens everyone?
• Read Ephesians 1:3-14. How can you live your daily life from the perspective of God’s cosmic time? How will you praise God?

Respond by posting a prayer.