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Welcome to The Upper Room Prayer Wall

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” —Galatians 6:2 (NRSV)

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About the Prayer Wall

The Upper Room Prayer Wall is a place for people to connect — with each other and with God. Each day, hundreds of prayer wall visitors share their needs, praises, and concerns, and they respond to prayer requests posted by others.

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jstme from La requests prayer...

My heart is breaking for my sweet daughter. It seems like if it can go wrong, it will. She's away at college trying to meet people & it is so hard because they are unreliable, don't show up, don't communicate, etc. She's exhausted. She just wants to ...Read Morehave friends & eat dinner with someone, hang out, have a group, etc. My heart is hurting for her.

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Dlespitia1 from Miami requests prayer...

En nombre de Dios pido porfavor oración de sanación para mi bebita Emily que le descubrieron displasia de caderas y mañana jueves tiene cita con ortopedista y pido un milagro de sanación que no tenga nada, que este bien de su cadera , que haya Sido u...Read Moren error los rayos x donde decía ese diagnóstico de displasia de caderas de 4 ° . Pido a Dios porfavor que pase su mano sanadora en mi hijita y este sana. Te lo pido Señor

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dabrowmj from New jersey requests prayer...

Please pray that God will cure my inner ear problems and that He will do it soon.

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MA from Ohio requests prayer...

Healing prayers for Sam and guidance for his medical team please.

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overcomerthroughchrist from Pa requests prayer...

Safety for my family in travel and as they minister to a family in need. To be a blessing to them and for traveling mercies to and from the destination and while helping them out. And, for our whole family Thank you

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RichinCHRIST'Sriches from Pa requests prayer...

Dear Intercessors and Prayer Warriors, pleae continually intercede for Ukraine;thx

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BethLauren from Usa requests prayer...

Lord I am begging for mercy and hope. Our adult son moved in with us. It has been so difficult. We feel imprisoned. I don’t know how much more any of us can take. We have tried so many avenues to get him well. The meds haven’t worked and profes...Read Moresionals can’t get through to him. Forgive me for the way I feel towards his behavior. I can’t seem to put him out on the street. His manipulation is too much. Amen

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wordprod from Nm requests prayer...

I am in terrible shape; my prayer time is distracted with email; Facebook; and more. PLEASE pray for GRACE!!!

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1Paladin1960! from Al requests prayer...

Please pray that I would find my cellphone that I have misplaced and that I would be able to get it back up and going

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1Paladin1960! from Al requests prayer...

Please pray that God would provide the money that I need in order to pay a debt.-Please pray that I would be able to pay this debt in full and as quickly and as soon as possible.- I do not want to be taken to court because of this debt.

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