January 2021 Wednesday Study Questions

December 18, 2020 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

January 6: Choosing a Path

1. Do you believe God has one clear path for our lives, and that we can miss the path and be out of God’s perfect will?  Why or why not?  What scripture verses support your answer?
2. In what ways has God blessed your acts of service?  How are you encouraged by those blessings?
3. How do you make sure you are seeking God in everything?  How can you tell when you are seeking God and when you are not?  What spiritual practices keep you focused on God?
4. What gifts and talents can you use to serve others for God?  In what ways are you already using those gifts for God? In what new ways would you like to start using your gifts?
5. When have you felt unsure of how to serve God?  Who or what helped you find direction?  How might you help someone else who is feeling unsure of how to serve?

January 13: Encountering God

1. Describe a time in your life when you have experienced loneliness and rejection.  What did you do to combat those feelings?
2. Which verses from today’s reading do you most relate to?  Why?  What verses from other psalms do you find encouraging?
3. Today’s writer talks about the loneliness David must have felt in 1 Samuel.  What other biblical characters experienced loneliness?  How did they find peace and comfort?  What can you learn from their stories?
4. In Psalm 34, David says that God answered him and delivered him from his fears.  How might David’s experience help you when you are going through a difficult time?
5. When you feel alone and rejected, how does your faith help you?  What prayers, spiritual practices, or scripture passages remind you that God is always with you, even in your troubles?

January 20: Opportunity to Share

1. Do you find it intimidating to talk openly about your faith?  Does it depend on the situation?  Tell about a memorable experience from your life when you shared your faith.
2. Today’s writer felt a prompting to start talking about her faith.  When have you felt a prompting from God?  How did you respond?  What was the outcome?
3. Have you ever felt like you needed to have all the answers about your faith?  Is it hard for you not to have all the answers?  Why or why not?
4. Does following God’s guidance get easier over time?  How do you make sure you are always listening for God’s guidance?
5. How can you share God’s love with someone today?  What new habits can you begin that will help you share God’s love more effectively?

January 27: Promises in Uncertainty

1. Are you in a place of uncertainty right now or have you been in one in the past?  Reflect on those times, and share what you need from God, others, and yourself amid uncertain circumstances.
2. How has God shown you that God’s love is certain?  What does it mean to you that you are guaranteed unfailing love at all times?  How does that change the way you respond to life’s challenges?
3. When have you experienced God’s protection in difficult times?  How have you held on to that protection?  What spiritual practices help you hold on to God in hard times?
4. Describe a time when you most clearly saw God’s provision in your life — physically or spiritually.  Describe a time when it felt like God was not providing for you in the ways you would have liked.  How did you hold on to and remain close to God each time?
5. Of the three promises today’s writer mentions, which one is the most encouraging for you today? What does it look like for you to hold on to that promise from God?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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