More From Paul Cillo

June 23, 2021 by Paul Cillo (Pennsylvania, USA)

My reflection was on the faith of children and the innocence and trust they have that allows them to connect with God. I am still working and ministering at the same school, and I continue to learn from the students there. This past year they have shown what it means to be present. We started the year virtual, and slowly kids started coming back in person. By the end of the year, about 80% of the students were in person full-time. Simply being around other people and interacting with their classmates had a huge impact on the kids. They once again showed me what really matters: people. 

The students also continue to ask thoughtful questions about God and faith. The kindergartners and first graders are uninhibited by how their questions may sound; they are just curious. They often ask me more challenging questions than the older students, and many times they also share profound truths. One little first grader asked, “Why would you play video games when God’s beauty is all around you?” God certainly speaks through little children.

On a personal note, I got engaged last June and by the time this blog post comes out I will be married (on June 19). The last year has been wonderful and challenging as my fiancée (now wife) and I prepared for our life together and tried to plan a wedding during a pandemic. Please keep us in your prayers!

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Image by: Guy MOLL