July 2021 Wednesday Study Questions

June 30, 2021 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

July 7: On the Train

1. If you commute, how do you use that time?  If you do not commute, what part of your daily routine would allow you to spend time in worship?
2. When have you found a community of worship in an unexpected place?  How did you find that community?  How did it enrich your life?
3. Have you ever had the opportunity to worship alongside someone who holds beliefs unlike your own?  If so, what was that experience like? What can we learn from worshiping alongside people who hold beliefs different from our own?
4. How do you strive to be a witness of Christ’s love to the world?  How do your actions invite others to worship?
5. What do you find beautiful about interfaith community?  What do you find difficult about it?  In what ways would you like to see more diversity in your faith community? How might you take steps toward that end?

July 14: Patient in Prayer

1. Have you ever lived far from family, only seeing them occasionally?  If so, what did you learn about family and connection from that circumstance?  If not, what has being near your relatives taught you about family and connection?
2. Recall the “worst” present you ever received.  What was it? When have you received a present that you only began to appreciate over time?
3. When you tire of praying for a certain person or situation, what scripture passages encourage you to persist?  What spiritual practices help you to remain hopeful when you feel like your prayers aren’t doing any good?
4. Today’s writer changed his perspective on the bookmark after learning more about his grandmother’s faith.  Why does gaining deeper understanding often change our perspective? What biblical characters serve as examples of this for you?
5. When you pray for others, do you often see results right away?  How do you remain patient in prayer?  How are you and your faith affected when you pray for others?

July 21: Bringing Out the Best

1. Recall a time when missing only a small amount of something made a big difference.  What can that situation teach you about both community and faith?
2. What scripture passages remind you of the importance of “adding” to those around you?  In what ways do these passages help you?  How do you apply them to your daily life?
3. What does it mean to you to be salt?  How do you strive to be salt each day?  In what ways do you find assurance that you are being salt to others?
4. When has someone used their faith to help bring out the best in you?  What was your response?  How did the experience change you?  How can you strive to use your faith to help others in similar ways?
5. Name some ways you can join together with your siblings in faith to transform the flavor of life around the world.

July 28: Don’t Look Back

1. When you read the story of Lot’s wife, what do you think about her decision to look back?  Do you understand why she might have done so?  What do you think you would have done had you been in her place?
2. Recall a time when you struggled to move forward because you weren’t able to grieve what you were leaving behind.  What did you do to help yourself move forward?  What role did your faith play in the situation?
3. What consequences have you experienced when you couldn’t let go of the past and move forward?  How does God comfort you in such times?
4. What scripture verses encourage you to have confidence in God’s path for you?  What verses remind you most of God’s desire for our good?  How do these verses equip us to deal with change?
5. Who in your life helps you keep your eyes focused on God’s will for you?  How does your faith community support you when you are trying to let go of something?  How can you encourage others who are working to move forward?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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